Betekenis van:
double take

double take
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a delayed reaction indicating surprise



    double take


    1. Words and terms contained in this List of Definitions only take the defined meaning where this is indicated by their being enclosed in “double quotations marks”.
    2. Note 2: Words and terms contained in this List of Definitions only take the defined meaning where this is indicated by their being enclosed in “double quotations marks”.
    3. Having regard to the obligation on Member States under the Treaty to take all necessary measures to abolish double taxation, it is not necessary at this stage to establish common rules governing the tax residence of the SE or SCE.
    4. A flexible approach is appropriate to enable financing schemes to reflect differing national circumstances and to take account of existing schemes, particularly those set up to comply with Directives 2000/53/EC and 2002/96/EC, while avoiding double charging.
    5. Member States should take into consideration any anticipated reductions or limitations caused by project activities that affect an installation or activity and would cause double counting when establishing their national allocation plan methodology for determining the allocation of individual installations.
    6. The conformation class designated in Annex I by the letter S may be used by Member States to take account, through the optional introduction of a conformation class superior to the existing classes (double-muscled carcasses), of the characteristics or expected development of a particular form of production.
    7. If the goods cease to be covered by the arrangements or situations referred to in this Section, thus giving rise to importation for the purposes of Article 61, the Member State of importation shall take the measures necessary to prevent double taxation.
    8. To avoid double counting, an institution may, when calculating its incremental default risk charge, take into account the extent to which default risk has already been incorporated into the value‐at‐risk measure, especially for risk positions that could and would be closed within 10 days in the event of adverse market conditions or other indications of deterioration in the credit environment.
    9. Where the installation or assembly is carried out in a Member State other than that of the supplier, the Member State within the territory of which the installation or assembly is carried out shall take the measures necessary to ensure that there is no double taxation in that Member State.
    10. Words and terms contained in this List of Definitions only take the defined meaning where this is indicated by their being enclosed in “double quotations marks”. Definitions of terms between ‘single quotation marks’ are given in a Technical note to the relevant item.
    11. As regards the treatment of exceptional and gratuitous advantages, the interested third parties consider it is appropriate not to take account of these advantages in the cost plus method, since, they are not costs; they are a marginal component of the coordination centres scheme; they are a theoretical advantage which, potentially, does not benefit any centre, and any advantages will be corrected by the international conventions preventing double taxation concluded between Belgium and its principal trading partners.
    12. Another set-aside should be established in the national allocation plan for the period 2008 to 2012 of each Member State intending to host activities under the project-based mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol which could cause double-counting, listing planned project activities and its anticipated reductions or limitations of emissions that take place in installations that participate in the Community emissions trading scheme and for which ERUs or CERs should be issued by the Member State (‘trading sector project-reductions’).
    13. take responsibility for the proper management by the national agencies referred to in point (b) of credits transferred to national agencies to support projects, and in particular for the respect by national agencies of the principles of transparency, equality of treatment and of the avoidance of double-funding with other sources of Community funds, and of the obligation to monitor projects and to recover any funds due for reimbursement by beneficiaries;
    14. Where double taxation agreements are in place, the right to tax will normally be given to the State where the place of effective management of the company is, including for operations which take place in other EEA States through a branch, etc. Hence, in the above given example, the taxation of a permanently established company in Iceland would be in Iceland, also for income generated outside the Icelandic territory.
    15. A set-aside should be established in the national allocation plan for the period 2008 to 2012 of each Member State hosting activities under the project-based mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol which could cause double-counting, listing each approved project activity and its anticipated reductions or limitations of emissions that take place in installations that participate in the Community emissions trading scheme and for which ERUs or CERs should be issued by the Member State (‘trading sector project-reductions’).